


A scientific and balanced combination of chief ingredients to generate new strength and vigour in the body. Rapidly brings back the disappearing youthful vigour & vitality. Promotes Vigour, Vitality & Strength. Helpful in treating Sexual debility, Nocturnal emission, Premature ejaculation, Spermatorrhoea, Azoospermia & Oligospermia. Improves Strength of the Kidney, Urinary bladder, Vital forces & Energy.

Usage: 5-10gm in the Morning & Evening with Milk.

Contains: Banslochan, Tukhm-e-konch, Salab misri, Jadwar, Khulanjan, Darchini, Jund bedastar, Regmahi, Salajeet, Shekakul misri, Maghaz-e-badam, Musli safaid, Narjeel, maghaz-e-akhrot, Maghaz-e-chilghoza, Maghaz-e-baladurkhash, Maghaz-e-fundaq, Maghaz-e-pista, Kalonji, Warq nuqra, Zafran and Qand safed.

LIIMRA (U&A) REMEDIES is a unique organization that is committed to Health based upon the Unani System of Medicine. They are a GMP Certified Company. Unani system of medicine is based on Humeral Theory that subscribes to four humors present in our body – blood (Dam), Phlegm (Balgham), Yellow bile (Safra) and Black bile (Sauda). LIIMRA proudly presents comprehensive health care with a holistic approach and ensure “quality & confidence” in the therapy.

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A scientific and balanced combination of chief ingredients to generate new strength and vigour in the body. Rapidly brings back the disappearing youthful vigor & vitality. Promotes Vigor, Vitality & Strength. Helpful in treating Sexual debility, Nocturnal emission, Premature ejaculation, Spermatorrhoea, Azoospermia & Oligospermia. Improves Strength of the Kidney, Urinary bladder, Vital forces & Energy.

Usage: 5-10 gm in the Morning & Evening with Milk.

Contains: Banslochan, Tukhm-e-konch, Salab misri, Jadwar, Khulanjan, Darchini, Jund bedastar, Regmahi, Salajeet, Shekakul misri, Maghaz-e-badam, Musli safaid, Narjeel, maghaz-e-akhrot, Maghaz-e-chilghoza, Maghaz-e-baladurkhash, Maghaz-e-fundaq, Maghaz-e-pista, Kalonji, Warq nuqra, Zafran and Qand safed.

LIIMRA (U&A) REMEDIES is a unique organization that is committed to Health based upon the Unani System of Medicine. They are a GMP Certified Company. Unani system of medicine is based on Humeral Theory that subscribes to four humors present in our body – blood (Dam), Phlegm (Balgham), Yellow bile (Safra) and Black bile (Sauda). LIIMRA proudly presents comprehensive health care with a holistic approach and ensure “quality & confidence” in the therapy.